N-Queens Puzzle

I have decided to write a solution to the N-Queens Puzzle, one of the classic problems in computer science, in the AEC programming language. That puzzle asks in how many ways you can arrange n chess queens on an n-times-n chessboard without breaking the rules that no two chess queens can be in the same row, column or diagonal.
This only works in very modern browsers. I'm not too interested in targeting archaic browsers here. This only works in Firefox 62 and newer or Chrome 69 and newer (those with support WebAssembly.Global). After a few years (if not months), all JavaScript environments will become as capable as they are, rather than like Internet Explorer.

AEC program output:

You can see the source code of the AEC program here. It may be a little hard to understand. If that's the case, try first understanding the Permutations Test, as it uses the same algorithm to solve a simpler problem.

UPDATE on 19/02/2024: I've ported this program to the x86 dialect of AEC. The source code is available in this ZIP archive, in the file nQueensPuzzle.aec. Or, in case you want to risk getting a virus from my computer, you can download this ZIP archive which contains both the source code and the Windows executable. The x86 dialect of AEC doesn't support functions and it doesn't support structures. I hope you can appreciate how they make the code easier to understand. The WebAssembly version of this program uses recursion, whereas the x86 version of this program uses the stack instead of recursion.

UPDATE on 24/02/2024: I have started a Reddit thread about N Queens Puzzle in various programming languages. I had no idea such short solutions to the N Queens Puzzle were possible.

UPDATE on 21/03/2024: I've started learning the Dart programming language and have ported this program to Dart. It uses an algorithm similar to the one used in the x86 AEC N Queens Puzzle solution, except that the stack is a two-dimensional list.